Announcing the

 “Camper” GC-Weather for Astro

Available Now!


11970942171201923868johnny_automatic_camping.svg.medThink of it, when you are socked in with clouds and waiting/watching patiently for them to disappear, you can now take a nap, confident if they ever do clear out you will be notified. If it so happens they never do clear right into the morning, you can keep on sleeping knowing you did not miss anything.



Or your scope is there clicking and whirring all by itself capturing images. Now you can confidently take a nap knowing you will be notified if clouds roll in or daylight approaches.








Demonstration video on Youtube, see the unit in action!

Also coming soon, the 'Observatory' model of the weather monitor:

Observatory model adds PWS capabilities, see it on Wunderground!

Enable "PWS and Airports" and "Rapid Fire Updates" and select "Greenbox Observatory"

Note: Unit may be on or offline at any time and possibly offline for extended periods of time as development of software continues

Full details on Observatory model and history of this project to date

Settings available in the Camping version:

All manual –or- computer control/monitoring


Dark and clear going cloudy or light


Currently cloudy going clear and dark



Unit above


Requires 35ma @7V-12V with no bluetooth

75ma @ 7V-12V with bluetooth

5.5x2.5mm coax power jack

Onboard heater (0.2W) keeps thermopile dew free.

(Will not clear rain from sensor head)

9 inch length w/manual control/short range (10M) Bluetooth/wired rs232

12 inch length with (100M) range bluetooth




headSensor head left.

Thermopile top, ambient light LDR below


Controls below

Left switch, going cloudy (down), going clear(up) select

Dial is setting for cloud temperature threshold setting

Right switch is run (down)/configure(up) switch

When ‘configure’ then reaction is instantaneous versus in run mode where there is a 5-10 second delay in case someone looks into unit or headlights pass by. Center bottom is alarm (piezo buzzer) which can be remote from unit via cable, tuck it under your pillow!

















Attach it anywhere with a 90 degree view of the sky, below is unit cable tied to patio chair




Optional bluetooth or wired rs232. Monitor the unit from your Laptop/PC.

Below is the main monitor screen.

 The graph trace to the left shows (in cyan) the range of adjustment for cloud detection, from +27C to –35C

Most clear skies range -5C or colder.

 The extended range allows you to become comfortable with the units working even indoors.



The setup screen

Can be set to announce ‘clouds’ or ‘light’ audibly through your PC/laptop’s speakers, just point it to a WAV file.

Can launch an application of your choice if alarm condition met.

Light threshold 0 to 1023, higher number = darker

Cloud threshold, most clear skies run -5C or colder



The unit inside

 (with short range bluetooth module):



The PCB’s

(short range bluetooth and main)

Main PCB supports Camping and Observatory models



If interested in more information, email me at: astrogene1000_stuff AT yahoo DOT com
I will only ship to North and South America, Europe, Japan and and Australia.
If you are from Italy -contact me- first for shipping quote
Orders from a country I will not ship to will be promptly refunded and not fulfilled

Introductory pricing:

Manual control only (no Bluetooth or rs232), $145.00 + Shipping

Wireless and manual control (10M Bluetooth), $175.00 + Shipping

Note: 10M BT module is changing and price -will- go up by at least $10

With Bluetooth (100M range) $195 (not available yet)

With rs232 - $155 (not available yet)(no cable included, you supply, DB9, DTE or DCE capable)

Remote Piezo alarm – email me before purchase if this option desired +$15 for 25 feet

Power adapter – add +$8  (not available yet)(6ft 12VDC Cig to 5.5x2.5mm coax plug)

Power adapter – add +$6 -email me before purchase if this option desired (roll your own, 6ft 24ga wire to 5.5x2.5mm plug)