adapter and apps
On the left is new spin of the adapter PCB. Support WiFi or BT module
In the middle is the new PCB outfitted with the wifi module
On the right is the original adapter board outfitted with the BT module
Wifi module supports client to access point, ad-hoc and native access point
BT module support serial port profile
Both modules are generic transport capable, the adapter provides an rs232 interface with either 2 wire (TX/RX) or 4 wire (TX/RX/RTS/CTS) capable
Both work with any smartphone apps or PC program that support WiFi and/or BT serial (Skysafari as example).
WiFI module presents a TCP network interface.
Sample of my current smartphone apps
On the left is the IOS app that provides an ASII HBX interface into the lx200gps mainboard, module plugs into HBX port of the lx200gps
Blur on second text line is lx200gps 'scrolling' the text by constant re-writes and camera capturing during a re-write, actual scroll speed is identical to lx200gps
On the right is the Android app that works via the rs232 ports on the lx200gps or 497.
Next up is to port the IOS app to Android and Android app to IOS
IOS support AD-HOC network and access point network but not BT
Android support access point network and BT but not AD-HOC network
Common denominator is access point